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Monday, September 2, 2024

Impression Obsession September Release Day 2

Welcome to the September Release Hop! Day 2
September 1st, 2nd & 3rd the Impression Obsession Team will be sharing projects with NEW September Release products! You can find a list of participants on the Impression Obsession Blog each day through the event.
Prizes - Two lucky customers who place an Impression Obsession order during the August Release week (September 1st – 7th) will be chosen and will have a very special Impression Obsession prize package added to their orders!

This snowman is so adorable and you can make him look anyway you want with eye, nose and dots for mouth all separate parts.  The scarf can be paper pieces or in this case, just cut from 2 papers to create a stripe pattern.

Another snowman, this guy is made from circles and a funny face stamp.

This one sports a lot of different shapes and patterns, so fun.

My third card is one more you sense a theme here? LOL!

Thanks for visiting today!

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